General Terms and Conditions of Diba Clinics B.V.

Private Company Diba Clinics B.V. (hereinafter: Diba Clinics B.V.) is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 88713709 and is located at Weissenbruchlaan 166 3054LS in Rotterdam

Article 1 – Definitions

  1. In these general terms and conditions, the following terms are used in the following sense unless expressly stated otherwise.
  2. Offer: any offer or quotation to Patient for the performance of Treatments by Diba Clinics B.V.
  3. Treatment or Treatments: The treatment in which Diba Clinics B.V. undertakes towards the Patient to perform acts in the field of medicine, directly related to the person of the Patient including aftercare, more specifically in the field of beauty treatments, laser hair removal, skin therapy and food intolerance.
  4. Treatment plan: the plan drawn up in consultation with the Patient, in which the general data of the Patient in question and the relevant problems, possibilities and wishes, goals, action plan, evaluation and reporting are drawn up. The Treatment Plan will in any case establish which Treatment Diba Clinics B.V. will perform for the benefit of Patient. Treatment Plan also means the treatment or counseling plan.
  5. Treatment forms:the information, registration and/or consent form to be completed by Patient prior to commencement of Treatment as part of giving informed consent.
  6. Patient:the natural person not acting in the exercise of a profession or business whom Diba Clinics B.V. has appointed, or to whom Diba Clinics B.V. has made a proposal under an Agreement.
  7. Agreement:any treatment agreement in the sense of Article 7:446 et seq. of the Dutch Civil Code and other related (medical) obligations between Patient and Diba Clinics B.V., as well as proposals by Diba Clinics B.V. for Treatments provided by Diba Clinics B.V. to Patient, which are accepted by Patient and have been accepted and carried out by Diba Clinics B.V.] and the following loose agreements relating to a Treatment with which these general terms and conditions form an indissoluble whole.
  8. Diba Clinics B.V.: the care provider who performs the Treatment in the exercise of a medical profession or business.


  1. These general terms and conditions apply to every Offer made by Diba Clinics B.V., every Agreement between Diba Clinics B.V. and Patient, and every Service offered by Diba Clinics B.V..
  2. Prior to entering into an Agreement, Patient will be provided with these terms and conditions. If this is not reasonably possible, Diba Clinics B.V. will indicate to Patient how Patient can view the general terms and conditions.
  3. Deviation from these general terms and conditions is not possible.
  4. These terms and conditions also apply to additional, modified and follow-up orders from Patient.
  5. If one or more provisions of these general terms and conditions are partially or completely void or nullified, the remaining provisions of these general terms and conditions shall remain in effect, and the void/ nullified provision(s) shall be replaced by a provision with the same purport as the original provision.
  6. Uncertainties about the content, interpretation or situations not regulated in these general terms and conditions shall be assessed and explained according to the spirit of these general terms and conditions.
  7. The applicability of 7:407 (2) BW is explicitly excluded.
  8. Where reference is made in these general terms and conditions to she/he/him, this should also be construed as a reference to he/him/his, if and to the extent applicable.
  9. In the event that Diba Clinics B.V. has not always demanded compliance with these General Terms and Conditions, it retains its right to demand full or partial compliance with these General Terms and Conditions.

Article 3 – The Offer

  1. All offers made by Diba Clinics B.V. are without obligation, unless explicitly stated otherwise in writing. If the Offer is limited or valid under specific conditions, this will be expressly stated in the Offer.
  2. The Offer contains a complete and accurate description of the Treatment offered. The description is sufficiently specified so that Patient is able to make a proper assessment of the Offering. This includes in any case information regarding the cosmetic result that Diba Clinics B.V. expects, (the course of) the treatment procedure, possible complications in form and frequency, the recovery period and aftercare, limitations and risks of the Treatment, alternatives for the treatment and the financial aspects.
  3. Diba Clinics B.V. is only bound to an Offer if it is confirmed in writing by Patient within 30 days. Nevertheless, Diba Clinics B.V. has the right to refuse an Agreement with a (potential) Patient for a valid reason for Diba Clinics B.V..
  4. Diba Clinics B.V. is not bound to an Offer if Patient could reasonably have expected or should have understood that the Offer contains an obvious mistake or clerical error. Patient cannot derive any rights from this mistake or error.
  5. Any verbal agreements are only valid if subsequently confirmed in writing by Diba Clinics B.V. to Patient.
  6. Offers or quotations do not automatically apply to follow-up orders. A composite quotation does not oblige Diba Clinics B.V. to perform part of the Treatment included in the offer at a corresponding part of the stated price.

Article 4 – Establishment of the Agreement.

  1. The Agreement is established when Patient accepts the quote/offer by completing the Treatment Forms provided to Patient prior to commencement of the Agreement (Treatment).
  2. Prior to the establishment of the Agreement, the Treatment best suited to Patient is determined in consultation with Patient and on the basis of an intake interview. There is also an exchange of information necessary for the preparation of an adequate Treatment Plan.
  3. Patient may enter into an Agreement only if it is determined that Patient:
  1. Has attained the age of at least 18 years and has presented a valid identification document to that effect;
  2. Prior to the Agreement has been clearly and comprehensively informed orally and in writing about the Treatment, the possible risks and consequences, any expected result, aftercare of the Treatment, the cost of the Treatment and method of payment, the reflection period to reach a reasonable decision and the time of Treatment;
  3. Follows instructions and/or directions given by Diba Clinics B.V. if these have been given by Diba Clinics B.V. to Patient. Failing to follow the instructions, incorrectly or incompletely, the consequences will be at the expense and risk of Patient.
  4. Is aware of the contact details of Diba Clinics B.V. in case of complications, as mentioned on the documents provided to Patient. Patient should be contacted immediately if complications occur.
  5. Completed the Treatment Forms consisting of the information, enrollment and consent form completely and truthfully;
  6. The questions posed by Patient have been answered;
  7. Patient has provided his/her name and contact information and it is correct and complete.
  1. Furthermore, an Agreement can only be entered into if Patient is healthy, except for the (cosmetic) abnormality for which the Treatment is indicated, or if Patient has a mild to moderately severe (systemic) disease that does not otherwise cause annoyance or disability.
  2. The Patient’s consent is confirmed (again) on the day of Treatment.

Article 5 – Duration of the Agreement

  1. If and insofar as an Agreement has been concluded between Patient and Diba Clinics B.V., the duration of this Agreement will be in accordance with the duration of the Treatment in question, including aftercare and other subsequent agreements.
  2. Patient may dissolve the Agreement on the grounds of an attributable shortcoming in the fulfillment of the Agreement if Patient has given Diba Clinics B.V. written notice of default and has been given a reasonable period in which to fulfill its obligations, and it still fails to fulfill its obligations correctly.
  3. The dissolution of the Agreement shall not affect Patient’s payment obligations insofar as Diba Clinics B.V. has already performed work or delivered performance at the time of dissolution. Patient must pay the agreed upon fee.
  4. Patient may cancel or discontinue the Treatment at any time. If any products were used in the process, the Patient shall be obligated to reimburse the cost of those products.
  5. Both Patient and Diba Clinics B.V. may cancel the Agreement in whole or in part in writing with immediate effect without further notice of default in the event that Diba Clinics B.V. is in suspension of payment or has applied for bankruptcy, or the company ends due to liquidation. If a situation as mentioned above occurs, Diba Clinics B.V. shall never be held to restitution of monies already received and/or compensation for damages.

Article 6 – Establishment of the Treatment Plan.

  1. In order to provide Patient with adequate treatment, a Treatment Plan is prepared in accordance with professional standards and as would be expected of a good healthcare provider.
  2. Diba Clinics B.V. will commence the Service from the moment that Patient has agreed to the (provisional) Treatment Plan, unless there is an acute situation requiring immediate treatment to prevent serious harm to Patient in which case consultation between Diba Clinics B.V. and Patient will take place as soon as possible after the deviation.
  3. If in the professional opinion of Diba Clinics B.V. a deviation from the agreed Treatment Plan is necessary in the interest of Patient, mutual consultation with Patient will take place. The Agreement will be amended accordingly.

Article 7 – Execution of the treatment agreement

  1. Diba Clinics B.V. will endeavour to perform the agreed service with the greatest possible care, as may be expected of a good care provider and/or cosmetic doctor. Diba Clinics B.V. will act in accordance with its responsibilities, arising from the professional standards applicable to care providers, including the Cosmetic Care Quality Framework. Diba Clinics B.V. stands for professional and independent service. All Treatments are performed on a best-efforts basis.
  2. The Agreement on the basis of which Diba Clinics B.V. performs the Treatment is leading for the scope and extent of the services. The Agreement will be performed solely for the benefit of Patient. Third parties cannot derive any rights from the content of the performed Treatment in connection with the Agreement.
  3. The information and data provided by Patient are the basis on which the Treatment offered by Diba Clinics B.V. and prices are based. Diba Clinics B.V. has the right to adjust its services and its prices if the information provided turns out to be incorrect and/or incomplete.
  4. In carrying out the Treatment, Diba Clinics B.V. is not obliged or bound to follow Patient’s instructions if this changes the content or scope of the agreed Treatment. If the instructions result in further work for Diba Clinics B.V., Patient shall be obliged to reimburse additional additional costs accordingly based on a new quotation.
  5. Diba Clinics B.V. is entitled to engage third parties at its own discretion for the implementation of the Treatment.
  6. The Treatment can only be performed if Patient has fully and truthfully completed the required documents and/or Treatment forms. Before the commencement of Treatment, any potential risks are discussed in detail with Patient. If Diba Clinics B.V. deems it necessary for the implementation of the Treatment, it may require a health declaration from Patient prior to commencement of the Treatment. In case of illness, medication use, alcohol, (narcotics) and/or other circumstances that may be relevant to the possible implementation of the Treatment, Patient should discuss this prior to the Treatment.
  7. Diba Clinics B.V. can only use medications, implants and other medical devices in the Treatment insofar as they are registered and in compliance with the Medical Technology Covenant 2016.
  8. If Patient requests a second opinion, Diba Clinics B.V. is obliged to comply with this request. Upon request, Diba Clinics B.V. will discuss the results of the second opinion with Patient.
  9. Diba Clinics B.V. adheres to the applicable laws and regulations, the usual practice among professional peers and the quality standards of the scientific association. These include the Care Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act (Wkkgz), the Individual Healthcare Professions Act (Wet BIG), the Medical Treatment Agreement Act (WGBO: Book 7, Title 7, Section 5 Civil Code), the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG), the Medicines Act, and any guidelines, professional standards and protocols of the professions. This also means that the (medical) treatment room meets the requirements set for it.
  10. Diba Clinics B.V. maintains a file regarding the Patient’s Treatment. This collects data including any medication use, treatment(s) performed, results, complaints and/or other relevant information.
  11. If the appointment or Treatment is already in progress, the Patient is not permitted to cancel the appointment without having paid the charges due for that purpose.

Article 8 – Patient Obligations.

  1. Patient is obliged to give Diba Clinics B.V. to the best of his/her knowledge the information and cooperation that Diba Clinics B.V. reasonably requires for the execution of the Agreement.
  2. Patient is obligated to provide all information requested by Diba Clinics B.V. as well as relevant appendices and related information and data in a timely manner and/or prior to commencement of work and in the desired form for the proper and efficient execution of the Agreement. Failing this, Diba Clinics B.V. may not be able to achieve full execution and/or delivery of the pieces in question. The consequences of such a situation shall at all times be at the expense and risk of Patient.
  3. Diba Clinics B.V. is not obliged to check the correctness and/or completeness of the information provided to it or to update Patient regarding the information if it has changed over time, nor is Diba Clinics B.V. responsible for the correctness and completeness of the information compiled by Diba Clinics B.V. for third parties and/or provided to third parties in the context of the Agreement.
  4. Diba Clinics B.V. may, if necessary for the execution of the Agreement, request additional information. Failing this, Diba Clinics B.V. is entitled to suspend its activities until the information has been received, without being obliged to compensate any compensation for damages on any account whatsoever towards Patient. In the event of changed circumstances, Patient must notify Diba Clinics B.V. of this immediately, or no later than 3 working days after the change has become known.

Article 9 – Diet and nutrition advice (Food Intolerance Test)

  1. Diba Clinics B.V. may, if commissioned to do so, prepare an advice, plan of action, design, reporting, planning and/or reporting for the purpose of service provision. The contents of these are not binding and only advisory in nature, but Diba Clinics B.V. will observe its obligations of care. Client decides for herself and on her own responsibility whether to follow the advice.
  2. The advice provided by Diba Clinics B.V., in any form, is focused on Client’s diet and lifestyle and nutrition. The opinions do not qualify as medical advice. In case of medical problems or medical conditions, Client should always consult a medical specialist or his treating physician.
  3. The nature of the service implies that the result is at all times dependent on external factors that may influence the reports and advice of Diba Clinics B.V., such as the diet and lifestyle of the Client, the quality, accuracy and timely delivery of necessary information and hereditary factors.
  4. Client shall notify Diba Clinics B.V. in writing prior to the commencement of the work of all circumstances that are or may be of importance including any points and priorities for which Client wishes attention.

Article 10 – Appointments

  1. If the commencement or progress of the Treatment is delayed because, for example, Patient has not provided all requested information or has not provided all requested information in a timely manner, provides insufficient cooperation, the (advance) payment has not been received by Diba Clinics B.V. in a timely manner, or a delay has occurred due to other circumstances, which are at the expense and risk of the Patient, Diba Clinics B.V. is entitled to a reasonable extension of the implementation period. This includes walking out of a previous appointment.
  2. Diba Clinics B.V. is always entitled to reschedule an appointment that has already been made, provided that it or the healthcare institution in question where it performs its Treatment has informed the Patient of this at least 48 hours in advance.
  3. If there is a phased execution, or Patient must give approval, Diba Clinics B.V. is entitled to suspend the execution of the Agreement and/or delivery term until such time as Patient has given his approval.
  4. Diba Clinics B.V. will make every effort to realize the Treatment within the agreed period, insofar as this can reasonably be required of it. If there is urgency, Patient is required to pay the associated fee.
  5. Diba Clinics B.V. has the right to use images of the results of the service provision it has achieved for its own promotion and/or publicity, provided that (prior) express written permission has been obtained from Patient.
  6. Already made appointments cancelled as of 48 hours before the appointment start date or if Patient fails to show up for the appointment without cancellation will be charged to Patient. If Patient fails to appear at the appointment, this amounts to a minimum of 25% of treatment. In case of cancellation, Diba Clinics B.V. will charge a €10 cancellation fee. Cancellation We are not responsible for cancellation. The deposit that has been made is non-refundable in case of prevention. Appointments must be cancelled/changed before 48 hours. Failure to provide timely notice of prevention, the deposit is also non-refundable. Should you be unable to attend in time for your treatment, we will be forced to shorten the treatment. If you arrive 15 minutes or later, we will charge for the entire treatment.
  7. In case of disagreement or ambiguity regarding the date of the appointment, the date as scheduled in the administration of Diba Clinics B.V. will be leading.
  8. In the event of cancellation of the appointment by Patient, Diba Clinics B.V. will make reasonable efforts to limit the costs of cancellation as much as possible. Diba Clinics B.V. will in any case charge a cancellation fee of €10, in this case. If you cancel the appointment, the deposit minus the cancellation fee will be refunded.
  9. If Patient fails to appear for an appointment on time without cancellation, Diba Clinics B.V. cannot guarantee that the agreed Treatment can take place. If Patient must make a substitute appointment as a result, the cost of the missed appointment will remain due in full, unless explicitly agreed otherwise.
  10. Upon discharge at the end of the Treatment, a discharge meeting will take place between Patient and Diba Clinics B.V. for the purpose of aftercare.
  11. Patient is aware that the Treatment of some specific type of Treatments, must take place according to a time schedule specified by Diba Clinics B.V. in order to achieve the desired effect. Diba Clinics B.V. will inform Patient of this when entering into the treatment agreement.
  12. If Patient does not attend on time, treatment may be shortened. Patient will still need to pay for full treatment. Diba Clinics B.V. is not responsible for prevention. The deposit/advance payment that has been made cannot be recovered in case of prevention. Upon entry of 15 minutes or later, Diba Clinics B.V. will charge Patient for the entire treatment.
  13. If Patient schedules a subsequent treatment at the salon, the deposit is automatically carried over to the next treatment. The same conditions apply here as for the first booking.

Article 11 – No guarantees

Diba Clinics B.V. performs the Treatment and activities in accordance with the standards applicable in the industry and makes every effort to achieve an optimal result at all times. The Treatment depends on various circumstances such as Patient’s physical reaction, any medical conditions, use of medications, Patient’s history of performing a Treatment and more.

Article 12 – Additional work and changes

  1. If during the performance of the Agreement it appears that the Agreement needs to be modified, or further work is required at Patient’s request to achieve Patient’s desired result, a separate Agreement will be made for that purpose and/or Patient will be referred to an authorized third party.
  2. If the additional work is the result of negligence on the part of Diba Clinics B.V., Diba Clinics B.V. has made a wrong estimate or could have reasonably foreseen the work in question, these costs will not be passed on to Patient.

Article 13 – Prices and payment

  1. All prices include sales tax (VAT),. Patient cannot derive any rights or expectations from an estimate issued in advance, unless the parties have expressly agreed otherwise.
  2. Diba Clinics B.V. charges a transaction fee for booking an appointment.
  3. Payment of an Agreement is made in a lump sum and before the start of the (first) Treatment, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
  4. If and insofar as a fixed price has been agreed upon for the performance of certain Treatment, and the performance of that Treatment leads to extra work that cannot reasonably be considered to be included in the fixed price, Diba Clinics B.V. is entitled, after consultation with Patient, to charge these costs to Patient.
  5. If there is a periodic payment obligation on the part of Patient, Diba Clinics B.V. is entitled to adjust the applicable prices and rates (only) in accordance with the terms of the Agreement in writing, observing a period of at least one month.
  6. The parties may agree that Patient should pay an advance. If an advance payment has been agreed upon, Patient shall pay the advance payment prior to commencement of performance of services.
  7. Diba Clinics B.V. is entitled to increase the applicable prices and rates annually in accordance with the applicable inflation rates. Other price changes during the Agreement are possible only if and to the extent that they are expressly stipulated in the Agreement.
  8. Patient must pay these costs in a lump sum, without setoff or suspension, within the specified payment period, to the account number and details of Diba Clinics B.V. made known to her.
  9. In the event of liquidation, insolvency, bankruptcy, involuntary liquidation or petition for payment against Patient, payment and all other obligations of Patient under the Agreement shall become immediately due and payable.

Article 14 – Collection policy

  1. If Patient fails to fulfill her payment obligation, and has not fulfilled her obligation within the payment period set for that purpose, Patient will first receive a written reminder with a period of 14 days from the date of the reminder to still fulfill the payment obligation with a statement of the extrajudicial costs if Patient fails to fulfill her obligations within that period, before she is in default.
  2. From the date that Patient is in default, Diba Clinics B.V. will be entitled, without further notice of default, to statutory commercial interest from the first day of default until complete payment, and compensation of extrajudicial costs in accordance with Article 6:96 of the Dutch Civil Code to be calculated according to the graduated scale from the Decree on compensation for extrajudicial collection costs of 1 July 2012.
  3. If Diba Clinics B.V. has incurred more or higher costs which are reasonably necessary, these costs will be eligible for reimbursement. The integral judicial and execution costs incurred shall also be borne by Patient.

Article 15 – Privacy, data processing and security

  1. Diba Clinics B.V. will handle Patient’s (personal) data with care and will only use them in accordance with the applicable standards. If requested, Diba Clinics B.V. will inform the data subject.
  2. Patient is solely responsible for the processing of data that is processed using a service of Diba Clinics B.V. Patient also guarantees that the content of the data is not unlawful and does not infringe on any rights of third parties. In this context, Patient indemnifies Diba Clinics B.V. against any (legal) claim related to these data or the execution of the Agreement.
  3. If Diba Clinics B.V. must provide security of information based on the Agreement, this security will comply with the agreed specifications and a security level that, given the state of the art, the sensitivity of the data, and the associated costs, is not unreasonable.

Article 16 – Suspension and dissolution

  1. Diba Clinics B.V. has the right to retain data, images and more received or realized by it if Patient has not yet (fully) fulfilled her payment obligations. This right remains in force undiminished if a legitimate reason arises for Diba Clinics B.V. which justifies suspension in that case.
  2. Diba Clinics B.V. is authorized to suspend the fulfillment of its obligations as soon as Patient is in default with the fulfillment of any obligation resulting from the Agreement, including late payment of its invoices. The suspension will be promptly confirmed to Patient in writing.
  3. In that case, Diba Clinics B.V. shall not be liable for damage, for whatever reason, resulting from the suspension of its activities.
  4. The suspension does not affect Patient’s payment obligations for work already performed. Furthermore, Patient is obligated to compensate Diba Clinics B.V. for any financial loss suffered by Diba Clinics B.V. as a result of Patient’s default.

Article 17 – Force majeure

  1. Diba Clinics B.V. is not liable when it cannot fulfill its obligations under the Agreement due to a force majeure situation.
  2. Force majeure on the part of Diba Clinics B.V. is in any case understood to include, but is not limited to: (i) Force majeure of suppliers of Diba Clinics B.V., (ii) Failure to properly fulfill obligations of suppliers prescribed or recommended to Diba Clinics B.V. by Patient or Patient’s third parties, (iii) government actions, (iv) failure of electricity, Internet, data network and/or telecommunications facilities, (v) illness of employees of Diba Clinics B.V. or advisors engaged by it and (vi) other situations which in the opinion of Diba Clinics B.V. are beyond its control which temporarily or permanently prevent the fulfillment of its obligations.
  3. In case of force majeure, both Parties have the right to rescind the Agreement in whole or in part. All expenses incurred prior to dissolution of the Agreement will be paid by Patient in that case. Diba Clinics B.V. shall have no obligation to compensate Patient for any losses caused by such revocation.

Article 18 – Limitation of liability

  1. The liability of Diba Clinics B.V. is not limited under the Agreement in the sense of Article 7:446 ff. of the Dutch Civil Code. If and to the extent that, in performance of an Agreement, operations take place at a Hospital that is not a party to the Agreement, the Hospital shall be jointly liable for a breach as if it were itself a party to the Agreement.
  2. In case of liability of Diba Clinics B.V., Patient must first submit a complaint in accordance with Article 19 of these General Terms and Conditions.
  3. Diba Clinics B.V. has professional liability insurance.

Article 19 – Secrecy

  1. Diba Clinics B.V. is obliged to maintain strict confidentiality and must ensure that no information about the Patient or access to or copies of the data from the file is provided to anyone other than the Patient, unless the Patient has given explicit permission for this. If provision is made, it shall be made only insofar as it does not violate the privacy of another person. The provision of relevant information may be made without regard to the limitations referred to in the preceding sentences if the provisions of or pursuant to the law so require.
  2. Persons other than the Patient shall not include those directly involved in the performance of the Agreement and those who act as substitutes for the caregiver, insofar as the provision is necessary for the work to be performed by them in that context. Only under Article 7:458 BW and in accordance with the provisions of this article can the secrecy be waived.
  3. In the interest of the quality of the Treatment offered by Diba Clinics B.V., as well as based on a legal obligation, it keeps a file on each Patient with medical data and, if possible, before and after photos of the Treatment.
  4. The confidentiality obligation also imposes on Diba Clinics B.V. the third parties it engages.

Article 20 – Indemnification and accuracy of information

  1. Patient is personally responsible for the accuracy, reliability and completeness of all data, information, documents and/or records, in any form whatsoever that they provide to Diba Clinics B.V. in the context of an Agreement
  2. If Patient provides electronic files, software or information carriers to Diba Clinics B.V., Patient guarantees that these are free of viruses and defects.

Article 21 – Complaints

  1. If Patient is dissatisfied with the service provided by Diba Clinics B.V. or otherwise has complaints regarding the execution of the Agreement, Patient is obliged to report these complaints as soon as possible, but no later than within 14 calendar days of the relevant reason that led to the complaint. Complaints can be reported in writing at with the subject line “Complaint.”
  2. The complaint must be sufficiently substantiated and/or explained by the Patient in order for Diba Clinics B.V. to take the complaint into Treatment.
  3. Diba Clinics B.V. will respond substantively to the complaint as soon as possible, but no later than 14 calendar days after receipt of the complaint.
  4. The parties will try to reach a solution jointly. If that fails, Client and/or Patient may file a complaint with The Disputes Committee.
  5. In the complaint regulations of The Dispute Commission. and the dispute regulations of The Disputes Committee. are the terms and rules for complaints and dispute resolution.

Article 22 – Applicable law

  1. Dutch law applies to the legal relationship between Diba Clinics B.V. and Patient.
  2. Diba Clinics B.V. has the right to amend these general terms and conditions and will inform Patient accordingly.
  3. All disputes arising from or as a result of the Agreement between Diba Clinics B.V. and Patient will be settled by the competent court of Rotterdam District Court, location Rotterdam unless provisions of mandatory law designate another competent court.

Rotterdam, Aug. 8, 2023

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qq slot depo 5k pkv games bandarqq dominoqq slot depo 10k pkv games bandarqq dominoqq slot thailand pkv games bandarqq dominoqq pkv games bandarqq dominoqq scatter hitam pkv games bandarqq dominoqq poker qq pkv games dominoqq poker qq bandarqq pkv games bandarqq poker qq pkv games poker qq bandarqq dominoqq dominoqq pkv games pkv games slot77 mpo pkv games bandarqq dominoqq slot depo 5k pkv games bandarqq judi bola slot77 slot garansi kekalahan pkv games bandarqq dominoqq poker qq slot thailand pkv games bandarqq dominoqq poker qq depo 25 bonus 25 idn poker pkv games bandarqq poker qq dominoqq slot garansi kekalahan slot demo slot depo 5k bandarqq dominoqq judi bola pkv games poker qq slot depo 10k poker qq poker qq bandarqq bandarqq pkv games pkv games slot depo 10k slot depo 10k pkv games bandarqq poker qq dominoqq depo 25 bonus 25 bonus new member slot dana slot depo 5k pkv games bandarqq poker qq dominoqq pkv games bandarqq poker qq dominoqq slot thailand pkv games bandarqq slot maxwin pkv games bandarqq poker qq dominoqq pkv games bandarqq poker qq dominoqq pkv games bandarqq depo 25 bonus 25 judi bola dominoqq pkv games bandarqq dominoqq depo 50 bonus 50 pkv games bandarqq poker qq dominoqq scatter hitam bandarqq poker qq idn poker pkv games bandarqq dominoqq poker qq idn poker mpo pkv games bandarqq dominoqq poker qq idn poker depo 25 bonus 25 pkv games bandarqq poker qq dominoqq judi bola slot gacor pkv games bandarqq dominoqq slot depo 10k slot thailand robopragma slot hoki slot depo 5k bonus new member depo 25 bonus 25 mix parlay pkv games bandarqq slot depo 5k pkv games bandarqq idn poker bandarqq pkv games bandarqq dominoqq slot thailand slot77 slot77 pkv games bandarqq dominoqq idn poker pkv games slot depo 5k pkv games pkv games pkv games bandarqq poker qq dominoqq bandarqq pkv games slot77 mix parlay poker qq dominoqq pkv games bandarqq pkv games bandarqq poker qq dominoqq slot depo 5k pkv games bandarqq dominoqq pkv games poker qq slot thailand pkv games bonus new member slot depo 5k judi bola pkv games depo 25 bonus 25 bandarqq cheat slot slot77 data hk 4d poker qq slot depo 10k depo 50 bonus 50 bonus new member slot hoki dominoqq slot demo