Like many other unique treatments within Diba Clinics, the CooLift Cryo Therapy is also a unique treatment. Coolifting pistols shoot a powerful CO-2 jet of very low temperature -20 degrees celcius at high pressure onto facial tissues. That jet is combined with an extremely high concentration of atomized actives. Think hyaluronic acid, peptides, glycerin and hydrolyzed wheat proteins. The treatment takes only 5 minutes, and gives immediate results. The skin feels smoother, tighter and superficial lines fade away.
Vascular constriction followed by vascular dilatation of the microcirculation. When subjected to a very cold stimulus, the blood vessels contract and expand again.
The combination of the cold and high pressure on the skin allows the active ingredients of CooLifting to penetrate deeply and exponentially increase their effects.
The CO2 jet of very low temperature and high pressure activates the microblood circulation. This stimulates the production of collagen and elastin and ensures that the tissues receive more oxygen.
Stimulation of underlying tissues. Those tissues normally have a temperature of about 36 ĀŗC. The sudden extreme cold of the CooLifting gun causes an immediate and profound reaction of the skin.
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