Cosmelan & Dermamelan

The Cosmelan® and Dermamelan are the world’s most effective treatment with the main indication: hyperpigmentation & melasma. Below we explain the treatments.

Excessive and unprotected sun behavior, hormones, pregnancy and genes are examples of factors that determine the appearance of unwanted pigmentation spots. For this, the Cosmelan and Dermamelan are one of the best treatments in the world to address unwanted pigment. The specialist can decide which one is appropriate for your indication.

How does it work?

The Cosmelan is a six-month treatment program. The course begins with a 2-week preparation at home with specific products to prepare the skin for the treatment. The next step is an in-office treatment and this is followed up with a specific skin care routine.

The treatment begins in the practice, where first the skin is properly cleansed. This is followed by a mask that must remain on the face for between 8 and 12 hours. This mask must be taken off at home.

The skin should be gently cleansed, moisturized and protected with Mesoprotech melan 130 pigment control sunscreen between 48 and 72 hours. After this, the process of pigment reduction using the home package begins. The skin specialist will give you further information about this.

The skin may become red and irritated during this process. After one week, you can already see slight improvement in the pigment spots. In this course, it is essential to treat the skin with the right products and appropriate sun behavior is expected.


Excessive and unprotected sun behavior, hormones and genes are examples of factors that determine the appearance of unwanted pigmentation spots. For this purpose, the Cosmelan was further developed into the Dermamelan. The latest and most advanced treatment for treating hyperpigmentation and melasma.

How does it work?

The Dermamelan is a four-month treatment regimen. This course is started in the clinic with treatment, and followed up with home products in 4 months. It is possible to have free contact with one of the specialists in the interim to track progress.

The treatment begins in the practice, where first the skin is properly cleansed. This is followed by two masks to be left on the face for 4 hours. You can rinse these masks off at home. The skin should be gently cleansed, moisturized and protected between 48 and 72 hours with the mesoprotech melan 130 pigment control. After this, the process of pigment reduction begins, using the home package. These products are formulated by your treating specialist.

The skin may become red and irritated during this process. After one week, you can already see slight improvement in the pigment spots.

The treatment is suitable for anyone who has already tried everything to reduce pigmentation. So if you suffer from stubborn pigmentation then this treatment could be very suitable. Of course, this treatment is accompanied by a skin care routine and appropriate sun behavior.

Scheduling an appointment to your dream skin is just a click away. Press the button below and choose a day and time that is convenient for you.

Our professionals look forward to welcoming you!

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